I need to modify an Enphase micro inverter string cable.

My existing cables have connections for 9 panels but I since expanded the project to contain 2 x 13 panels ea.

Since these cables are quite spendy and non-returnable I need to expand the existing cable and minimize throw away items.

I currently only have panels and inverters for 1 row, so making 1 cable from 2 isn't an issue

I can cut & splice the two cables together to get the 13 connectors for one row.

I was thinking I'd solder and  shrink wrap each conductor, then use a outside  shrink tubing and put this in a water tight box and mount to the rack.

Another thought would be to use a water tight connector,  any suggestions ?



Could you use a J-box - the same one you would use to transition to THWN wire at the end of an Enphase Engage cable?


Here's a SolarBOS product that would work well


Any Greentech Renewables account rep should be able to help you out on pricing.

A j - box would of course work but the one suggested is probably over kill.
And looks to be quite spendy.  Enphase has their own solution in the form of a splicing kit but it too is way over priced (45ea).

I think the best route is to use a generic miniture weather proof box and have the wires soldered and insulated using heat shrink tubing.

You may run into trouble with the solder if you are getting it inspected, but if you use good solder and adhesive lined heat shrink, then it will be a long-lasting connection. See my reply below to george.horrocks great suggestion.

A 4 x 4 Weather-proof gang box, cable glands, and wire nuts should do the trick
This method will work, and all the parts are probably available in your neighborhood hardware store.  Just be sure to provide a drip loop in the cable so that water can't run down, into the box and also use underground or silicone filled connectors to keep any moisture off the spliced ends.

I think  cuting & splice the two cables together to get the 13 connectors are good idea.


The enphase trunk cable splice kit is usually on Ebay for $12 to $20... Definitely the simplest solution. The official price from Enphase is, er, inflated!

12 years 2 months ago
Asked by
Todd Bailey