I would like to power one circuit in the house (110 vac) with panels inverted to AC (no batteries) during daylight hours. (for an air conditioner in the summer and space heater in the winter) Is there an auto switch that senses when the panels are no longer sending current and switch to the grid and vise versa? I figure I could do this manually with a double throw switch, but I have to sell this idea to the wife and it would be easier with an auto switch. (about 1,300 Watts at this time)
11 years 8 months ago
All you need to do this is to make sure your inverter is a grid tie inverter. Connect it to the same leg of power as your air conditioner is on by means of a single pole breaker. If Your air cond. is not running then excess power will be used by anything on that leg of power that is running. (lights. tv. fridge, etc.) If you are not qualified you should consult an electrician. Any other questions just ask. 1300 watts will save you a lot.
You should contact your utility before attempting any grid connection.
Also consult with a qualified electrician. This is not a simple DIY connection, but requires very specific wiring methods and safety considerations.Doug McKensieownerMcKensie Electric