I'm trying to figure out which Fronius monitoring option I should be purchasing. Since there are lots of products I am confused.

Could you help with product selection?

I'm looking for web based monitoring for three Fronius IG inverters.



Hey waco, thank you for the question.

The Fronius Datalogger Web is the monitoring solution you are looking for. It can monitor up to 100 inverters.

You also need to purchase Fronius Com Card Retrofit for each inverter.

Sure, no problem.

The Fronius Datalogger Pro Box can store data from up to 100 inverters and 10 sensor boxes. It is actually a perfect monitoring solution, however it's not directly connect to internet. You can access the data through a computer.

The Fronius Interface Box allows you to share the data to a third party monitoring system. It doesn't store the data, but it enables an open protocol connection. For example, if you are using Deck Monitoring for your PV system (up to 100 inverters), you would need the interface box.

13 years 10 months ago
Asked by
Damian Waco