I see that the basic scope is outlined here: https://www.greentechrenewables.com/question/what-exactly-does-ul-2703-approval-mean-and-which-your-products-meet-requirement
11 years 7 months ago
I see that the basic scope is outlined here: https://www.greentechrenewables.com/question/what-exactly-does-ul-2703-approval-mean-and-which-your-products-meet-requirement
Unfortunately you won't find a full version online, and UL puts restrictions on their documents that don't allow them to be forwarded for sharing. The full document can be purchased through the following site: http://www.comm-2000.com/productdetails.aspx?sendingPageType=BigBrowser&CatalogID=Standards&ProductID=UL2703_2_O_20121113(ULStandards2) . You can find other published standards for purchase here as well.
Hardcopy version: $175.00
PDF version: $150.00
You should be aware though that there could still be significant changes before it becomes a standard.