What are the permit requirements to install a solar system in California?
I live in Napa Valley, California and I would like to install a 5 kw solar system on my roof. What are the regulations and steps I should follow?
To participate in the California Solar Initiative (CSI) and earn incentives for installing a solar system on your existing home, you should follow these steps:
STEP 1: Complete an energy audit.
STEP 2: Contact and choose an installer to do a solar site survey.
STEP 3: Complete and submit applications for CSI (California Solar Initiative).
To participate in the California Solar Initiative (CSI) and earn incentives for installing a solar system on your existing home, you should follow these steps:
STEP 1: Complete an energy audit.
STEP 2: Contact and choose an installer to do a solar site survey.
STEP 3: Complete and submit applications for CSI (California Solar Initiative).
STEP 4: Schedule a final building inspection.
STEP 5: Schedule final utility inspection.
STEP 6: Claim your incentive and tax credits.
For further information, click here.
To be more precise about the permits:
You need to contact City of Napa Building Department to obtain the electrical installation license. For the application you'd most probably need:
Also check with the Fire Department to see whether there are any additional duties to follow.
I'd call both Building Dpt. and Fire Dpt. prior to designing your system.
Here is the California Solar Photovoltaic Installation Guideline (pdf).
This would also help.