I am looking for a 7000 watt inverter with 2 independent mpp inputs. SMA makes one, but I cannot seem to find it.

Also, I could use a run down on the differences between the SB7000, the SB7000TL, the SB7000TL-US, and the SB7000TL-US-12. The TL, IO know means transformer less, but how does this affect performance? What are the US and 12 for?


Great questions!

The US designation on these models simply means they are designated for use in the United States.  The  -10, -12, -22 are model designators that indicate feature charactaristics of each model.  For example; the -10 is standard with isolation transformer, the -12 is the same with the addition of AFCI (Arc Fault Current Interupter) and the -22 is the transformerless version with the addition of a secure power supply.

In closing, if you're looking for an SMA inverter in that kW size with dual MPPT channels look no further than the 7 kW. This unit comes with dual MPPT channels, is transformerless and has a secure power supply that will give you 1,500 Watts of backup power on a dedicated circuit when the grid goes down.  Something not often seen with batteryless grid-tied inverters.


10 years 1 month ago
Asked by
Sam Avery