Hello all,

Thought this would be simple, maybe it is, but ?

I've just bought an outback vxf 3648 inverter, a fm-60 charge controller, a mate, and a midnite mne 175 plus panel.

I plan (for now) to just use 8- 6 volt t-105 batteries and run my honda e3000 as needed to charge the batteries.

The panel is pre-wired for the most part and I "thought" I'd figure it out easily, BUT

I don't understand where the ac output and ac input wires in this new panel should go?? Its got a gen. on/off switch and dissconnect and another switch that says inverter/bypass.

If I understand correctly the Generator lines should be hooked up  to the top of the inverter (where the ac in lines come in) and the output from the inverter would go into my existing panel. I'm totally of grid and only have the generator hooked up to that existing panel right now.    

thanks for any guidance!!




All the generator and AC panel connections should happen in the E-Panel after the inverter is already mounted and connected.

You've probably already seen them, but here's a link to the instructions:

Another less obvious, but helpful link is the actual Autocad drawings that give great detail and can be modified to reflect your final installation in case you need to communicate with someone about this later:


Use Draftsight to open / edit if you don't have Autocad installed.

If there's any doubt as to how to finish the install after studying these documents - please consider bringing in a professional installer - even for just a couple of hours - to get you through the tough spots.

13 years 8 months ago
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