I have a 15 kW PV installation and wish to charge them in the day and discharge at night.

What will be the required equipment and suggested method to get 12 hours of use if my load is 5 kW?


I'm assuming you have a 15kW PV system and would like to charge batteries from a system which is already grid-tied. If not, then please clarify.


But either way, your load is 5 kW x 12 Hours = 60kWh

If you build a 24 volt battery bank, then you'll need about 2500(2) = 5000 Ah of battery.



your assuming a 5kw continous load.  I would think he means 5KWH which would significantly decrease the size of his battery bank.   to about a 20-12 volt battery 100AH..
12 years 5 months ago
Asked by
Greentech Renewables