Specialty distribution panels for battery-based systems are well worth the minor additional upfront costs. These panels, are available from most of the major players including Schneider, MinditeSolar, SMA and Outback plus others. The following describes the benefits of using such components.
First, let’s describe the common distribution panel that all homes with an electrical system have. The main distribution/service panel (MDP / MSP) is commonly referred to as the, “breaker panel” or the, “electric panel.” This panel serves as the central point where all branch circuits originate, serving the various electrical loads throughout a building. The MSP consists of a housing (usually steel and grey in color), a busbar, terminal bars for neutral and ground connections and breakers. The MSP is supplied by the local utility service through the home’s electric meter. Branch circuits feed the home’s electrical loads through dedicated branch circuit breakers each attached to the main busbar.
So, what is a specialty distribution panel? And, how are they used in PV systems? A specialty distribution panel serves a specific purpose, which is to organize the electrical interconnections of an electrical (sub)system. These panels reduce installation complexity and labor as well as provide for ease of maintenance and troubleshooting in future site visits.
Particularly, in PV systems, specialty distribution panels are primarily used in battery-based systems. The distribution panel is designed to simplify DC and AC wiring by locating all of the main connections in a single cabinet central to the system. They are available for a variety of system designs such as DC and AC coupled systems, single or multiple inverter systems, various battery configurations and many others.
How are PV system installations with battery backup simplified using these products? First, specialty distribution panels are designed with pre-configured terminals for connections of the main system components such as the battery-based inverter, battery bank, transformer (if needed), over current protection, switches, system bypass, utility supply and loads. In most cases, these pre-configured panels will have wiring diagrams specific to the system to be installed that further reduces the design and installation time.
Further, many of these panels can be ordered pre-wired. With a pre-wired panel electrical connections are reduced to connecting equipment at labeled terminals alleviating complicated wiring that is common to battery-based PV systems and helping to reduce wiring mistakes. Pre-wired panels are almost plug-and-play. Of course, conductors must be chosen appropriately based upon manufacturers’ specifications for each of the components and local electric codes and standards.
Even if the panel is not pre-wired, the installation of a battery-based PV system will be much easier. Terminals for electrical connections are pre-configured and labeled by the distribution panel’s manufacturer. This allows the electrician to wire a system in a fraction of the time it would take to make a custom panel on site using traditional electrical equipment. Further, a fair amount of time is saved not having to design a custom distribution panel.
Second, specialty distribution panels provide for a means of organization of the system’s wiring. This will result in simplified future maintenance and troubleshooting. A well-organized wiring system also speaks to the quality of the work being done during the installation. This may not sound very important to some, but just remember, the system owner will not only appreciate a system that is presented in an organized manner, he and/or she will me much more likely to recommend your services if he and/or she is proud to show off the system to neighbors, friends and family.
In summary, specialty distribution panels are beneficial to PV system designers, installers and system owners. For designers, these panels reduce design complexity and provide, to some degree, assurance that the installation will occur as documented in the design. For installers, these panels reduce installation time, wiring complexity and wiring mistakes. For system owners, specialty distribution panels provide an organized wiring system that is easier to troubleshoot and perform maintenance on over the life of the battery-based PV system. So, yes, add that distribution panel to the order to simplify the design and installation of your next system.