Google Reviews

Online reviews are the new form of marketing currency for solar installers. Once a homeowner or business is approached by a solar salesperson, one of their first actions will be to Google the installer. In fact, 88% of customers will read online reviews to assess the quality of a local business. Out of this subset of customers, 94% say an online review has convinced them to avoid a business. Online reviews, particularly Google Reviews, are critical to a local solar installer’s longterm success.

The good news is that you can turn your happy customers into advocates; moreover, this will help to spread solar through a community-wide effort. With strong positive online reviews any installer can make sure that they stand above the rest of their competitors when homeowners have to make the crucial decision of which installer to go with. Here are some trusted tips to build your reviews on Google, Yelp, Facebook and Solar Reviews.

1) Leverage positive reviews

Positive reviews a great way to lower customer acquisition costs. When you exceed expectations at the end of an installation, ask the customer to leave you a review. Explain to them that these online endorsements are the lifeblood of a small business. One installer in New Mexico explained they offer $20 gift cards in exchange for a customer review. Another local solar installer in Texas explained that when they propose a commercial solar system, they send prospects directly to their Google reviews and provide them with the contact information of satisfied customers.

It’s important to make it dead simple for customers to leave these reviews. For instance, provide them with a direct link to leave a review.

San Diego Google Review

2) Respond quickly to all reviews

Customers love to see that you’re on top of their feedback. You should obviously follow up with any negative feedback to remedy potential issues. Additionally, a simple acknowledgment of a positive goes a long way.

3) Share feedback on social media

Now that you have positive reviews, it doesn’t hurt to share the good results through social media and email promotions. For example, GRNE solar shared the following review on their Facebook page.

FB Share


4) Always snap pictures

The old adage that a picture is worth a thousand words applies here. In order to increase your online relevancy and credibility, be sure to feature past projects on your website.  Furthermore, if you take pictures and then share them with the property owner, they are more likely to leave a positive review for your effort. Homeowners love to share these photos with friends and family which will only increase your brand exposure.